Psoriasis (Psoriasis) - is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, significantly worsening the quality of life of these patients. 60 to 70 percent cases of psoriasis is inherited and formed CW6 HLA-allele carriers. This type of disease is characterized by a more severe course of the disease, familial psoriasis inheritance. Even healthy Caucasians with this genetic component, the risk of future increases by ten times. As a result, the study can be recommended not only to confirm the diagnosis, but when a family has multiple cases of the disease, in order to assess the likelihood of disease.

Test principle

The EUROArray is an in vitro test for molecular genetic determination of disease-associated HLA-C*06 alleles in human genomic DNA. In the first reaction step, one section of the HLA-C gene and a -globin gene fragment as positive control are amplifi ed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from a purified genomic patient DNA sample. The HLA-C gene section is only amplified if the sample contains an HLA-C*06 allele. All PCR products are labelled with a fl uorescence dye as they are produced. In the second reaction step, the products are analyzed using the microarray, which contains immobilized probes that are complementary to the amplified DNA. The specific binding (hybridization) of the fluorescing PCR product to the corresponding microarray spot is detected using a EUROIMMUN Microarray Scanner. A fluorescence signal on the HLA-C*06-specific spots indicates the presence of an HLA-C*06 allele in the patient DNA sample. The spot signals are evaluated automatically using the EUROArrayScan program.





More information: www.euroimmun.com